
2022-2024|Drawing, collage, text

While drawing, I search for the holes on the human body from where excretions flow out. And I use my sense of smell to detect these holes. So, when I open my mouth, I only ask those questions that I would often stop myself from asking because what I would say is irrelevant. Just like a fly, I follow the scent without choice.



2022-2024|Dessin, collage, texte

En dessinant, je cherche les orifices du corps humain par lesquels s'écoulent les excrétions. J'utilise mon odorat pour détecter ces ouvertures. Ainsi, lorsque j'ouvre la bouche, je ne formule que les questions que je me retiendrais souvent de poser, car je les considère comme non pertinentes. Comme une mouche, je suis l'odeur sans en faire le choix.





《Question 問題》

84*60 , 2024, charcoal / oil pastel

《Ella meditates with me


120*60, 2023, charcoal / oil pastel

《They are locked on the mountain playing video game for years 他們被鎖在無人高山上玩電動多年》84*60, 2023, charcoal / oil pastel

《Drink and eat 飲食》

84*60 , 2024, charcoal / oil pastel

《Video game player 電動者》

60*27 cm, 2021, collage / chalk / charcoal / carton

《Are you afraid participating this meditation class 來上這種修行的課會不會怕呀》84*60, 2023, charcoal / oil pastel

《Whole year I didn't create


60*42cm, 2023, charcoal / oil pastel / Net

《Holding hands and standing in the park together in Nice 在尼斯牽手站在公園裡》84*60, 2023, charcoal / oil pastel

《Blinded by new 被新遮掩》

84*60 , 2024, charcoal / oil pastel

《Composition of their separation 散的集合》

82*46 cm, 2021, charcoal / oil pastel

《South of Taiwan 港都》

60*42 cm, 2021, acrylic

《Myth of combinaision結合的奧秘》

142*92cm, 2023, acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal, paperbox, cloth


109.1*78.7, 2020, charcoal / oil pastel

《Photographer 攝影師》

230*100 cm, 2022, chalk / charcoal 

《Transition 轉換》

84*120 cm, 2023, collage / ink / oil pastel

《Border 邊境》

63*46 cm, 2023, charcoal / oil pastel

《Phenphen tries to speak Chinese 芬芬試著說中文》

109.1*78.7 cm, 2021, collage / chalk / charcoal / sumi

Left to right:

《Ghost talk 幻聽》

100*100 cm, 2022, oil pastel

《Kasa 卡沙》

29.7*42cm, 2022, charcoal

《Internet 網路》

29.7*42cm, 2022, charcoal / arcrylic 

《Real estate, direct marketing, my mom is already gone


104*76 cm, 2020, collage / oil pastel / charcoal 

《True love 真心愛上他》

63*110 cm, 2023, charcoal / oil pastel

《Heater, mahjong, the most hateful couple

暖爐 麻將 最討人厭的夫妻》
91*72.5, 2020, acrylic / charcoal / oil pastel

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